This classic pub game makes darts scoring easy.
Around the World Darts allows up to 4 players to manage scoring, tracking current targets, total number of darts thrown, as well as percentage accuracy.
Each player takes a turn in front of a real dartboard throwing 3 darts. The object of the game is simple. Starting at 1, work your way around the entire dartboard until each target is hit in order (1-20, 25, BULL). If a player hits their intended target, they move on to the next target. When a player hits all 3 targets in a single turn, they are awarded with an additional turn at the dartboard.
This popular game is often played at clubs by many from beginners to experts. Choose from 3 levels of difficulty (beginner, intermediate, expert).
Beginners - Players throw at single number (largest part of each number) exclusively.
Intermediate - Players throw at double number (outer ring of dartboard) exclusively.
Expert - Players throw at triple/treble number (inner ring of dartboard) exclusively.
The first player to reach and hit the 25 and BULLSEYE wins the game.
Single players can challenge themselves in practice by throwing the fewest amount of darts, increasing their accuracy percentage.
Around the World Darts is a fun and easy way to improve your game in the real world of darts. Good luck!